Monday, February 27, 2012

Sugarless Day #7

I survived!!!!...ish.

The last day started out simply enough. Cheesy eggs with pepperoni on toast with a berry smooooothie. And coffee. Man I wanted a white mocha americano like whoa. Getting out of bed was hard.

I knew I'd be eating out with friends later so I wanted to eat something light in the middle of the day. I brought quiche and salad to work (I know, a creature of habit, or multiple servings) and ate it happily during the first act.

We ended that evening and were like the Roadrunner in the Looney Tunes show, nothing but our dust outline left in the SM Office.

I met up with friends at Jewel of Indian and we ate. So. Much. We each ordered a dish that we could share with the table and ended up with Baigan Bharta, Chicken Mango Curry, and Chicken Tikka Masala. We also got basmati rice and ate two pieces of garlic naan. Big pieces that were larger than my head. I realize I should've taken pictures because it was so delicious and so beautiful. Most of our food was a shade or orange, but it was so freaking good.

We wanted to hang out a bit more and went to Sonrisa in the U Village. I had good intentions of just sipping a diet coke, but the Oscars were on and before I knew it I was ordering sangria. My friend Rachel, who, coincidentally, was part of this Mexican excursion, posted on my facebook wall on National Margarita Day (Feb 22nd, pencil it in for next year) asking if there was no sugar in margaritas. Of course there's sugar in margaritas! She knew this, she's not an idiot, but she was being sarcastic. So I had to avoid margaritas. But sangria was totally valid right? Right? No, there's brandy in it. And I knew that when I ordered it and the second glass.

They were both delicious.

So fell off hard in the last 8 hours of my sugarless week. But I did learn that I enjoy my life sans as much sugar and feel like my body functions and looks much better, which is probably an optical illusion that Andy has done to all our mirrors. But in any case, I plan to make this more permanent and limit my sugar-y sweets in the future.

But you can be sure I am hitting the froyo HARD tonight.

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